Vantage Launches the Ability to Filter on Virtual Tags within Resource Reports

by Vantage Team

Vantage Launches the Ability to Filter on Virtual Tags within Resource Reports

Today, Vantage is launching the ability to filter for Virtual Tags within Resource Reports. Customers can now further refine their Resource Reports based on Vantage Virtual Tags to easily create reports scoped to teams, business units, applications, and more.

Vantage customers use Resource Reports to get an inventory of all resources generating costs across all of their integrated providers. These reports are created using both billing data and list and describe APIs to display comprehensive views of every resource deployed. While customers previously could create finely scoped reports based on pieces of metadata exposed by Vantage, such as RDS engine version and EBS Volume attachment state, they were not able to filter for Virtual Tags. Vantage customers use Virtual Tags to consistently tag costs across providers and perform cost allocation across teams and business units. Without this filter on Resource Reports, they could not consistently map their costs to specific teams or business units when provider-native tags were missing or inconsistent.

Now, with the ability to filter Resource Reports by Virtual Tags, Vantage customers can create reports scoped to the various dimensions that they create tags for to distinguish their resources. This functionality will allow users to replicate the business logic they use to create Virtual Tags to then filter Resource Reports. For example, users can now create reports to inventory all unattached EBS volumes belonging to a team Virtual Tag or view all EC2 instances tagged to non-production environments. This enables better reporting across various business units or functions.

The feature is available to all customers. To get started, navigate to the Resource Reports screen in the console and create a new Resource Report. See the documentation for more information on how to get started with Active Resources and Resource Reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is being launched today?

Vantage is launching the ability to filter for Virtual Tags within Resource Reports. Users can select Virtual Tags that are now included within the Tag filter, along with existing provider tags.

2. How much does this cost?

There is no additional charge to create and use Resource Reports.

3. Who is the customer?

The customer is anyone who uses Virtual Tags within Vantage and wants to filter Resource Reports based on Virtual Tag values.

4. What are Active Resources, Resource Reports, and Virtual Tags?

  • An Active Resource is a resource, such as a virtual machine, that is currently generating costs within a cloud account. This is in contrast to resources that are included in billing but may no longer be live. Examples of Active Resources include items like Amazon S3 buckets, Snowflake queries, Confluent clusters, etc.
  • Resource Reports are inventories of your Active Resources. You can create reports with filters that specify the exact resources you want to see.
  • Virtual Tags are a way to consistently tag costs across providers in Vantage. This feature can help to increase tagging coverage across your cloud infrastructure. You can create new tags directly in Vantage that combine different cloud providers.

5. What other filters can I apply to Resource Reports?

You can filter across a number of items, including Metadata (e.g., AWS S3 buckets object count or Azure Load Balancers provisioning state), Region, and Account. Filters vary by provider. See the documentation for a list of available filters by provider.

6. How many Virtual Tags can I filter by on Resource Reports?

There is no limit to the number of Virtual Tags you can use in a single filter.

7. Can I filter for Virtual Tags using the Active Resources API?

Yes, when querying the /resources and /resource_reports APIs, you can now use Virtual Tags within your VQL filter statement to return a response.