AWS Activate

Cost transparency at startup-friendly prices

Vantage is offering AWS Activate customers a $100 credit. That's 3 months of free service for the Pro plan or 50% off the first month for the Business plan.

Vantage is the most startup-friendly cost transparency platform. The first $2,500 of AWS costs are tracked for free. Activate partners get direct support from the Vantage team, unlimited Cost Report dashboards, regular cost notifications and our entire cost analytics suite out-of-the-box so you can focus on building your business.

Additionally, you'll get access to the following:

Monthly Bill Reviews

Members of the Vantage team will get on monthly calls with you to discuss your bill, explain where your costs are coming from and suggest measures you can take to optimize your costs.

Slack Community

Join our growing Slack Community of hundreds of AWS professionals where you can introduce your startup to others, learn about AWS best practices and get real-time support from the Vantage team.

Cost Handbook

Learn about best practices when it comes to AWS with the Vantage Cost Handbook - a set of guides and best practices when it comes to managing cloud costs. Learn about things you can do on a per-AWS service basis to curb and control costs.