Connecting Google Cloud...

Google Cloud

Report on costs by Project, Label, and Service with Resource usage

Connecting Google Cloud...
Google Cloud

Forecast and budget for Google Cloud

Cost Reports with complex filters, monthly forecasts, and day by day costs provide ultimate visibility for Google Cloud spend.
Google Cloud

View service costs for Google Cloud and AWS in the same report

Combine BigQuery, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage and more with other service costs in one report. Set alerts and detect anomalies across GCP.
Google Cloud

Drill down to costs for GCP resources

See costs by instance and disk for Compute Engine, per vCPU and memory in App Engine, by database in Cloud Spanner, and more.
Google Cloud

View active resources and cost recommendations

Create resource reports for currently active GCP resources and view rightsizing recommendations to ensure your GCP resources are not overprovisioned.

Google Cloud Documentation

Want to read more about how Google Cloud works with Vantage?
Read the product documentation below.

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