Vantage Launches EC2 Rightsizing Recommendations

by Vantage Team

Vantage Launches EC2 Rightsizing Recommendations

Today, Vantage announces the launch of Amazon EC2 rightsizing recommendations. Vantage users who have connected AWS as a provider can see recommendations for identifying over-provisioned EC2 instances.

Before, customers had access to cost recommendations for EC2 instances that were focused on generational upgrades; however, these recommendations did not include information about rightsizing. Often, customers will select EC2 instances that are over-allocated in terms of vCPU and GB of RAM. As a result, customers may be paying more than needed per instance. These new recommendations can help customers save significantly, by identifying rightsizing opportunities and providing specific reasons to rightsize, such as over-provisioned CPU.

Navigate to the Cost Recommendations page in the console to see EC2 rightsizing recommendations along with other existing cost recommendations. Each recommendation includes potential savings as well as the number of instances identified for rightsizing. Click View resources to view each identified EC2 instance.

Cost Recommendations screen in the console

The Cost Recommendations page with an EC2 rightsizing recommendation

A new Rightsizing tab is now available on the Active Resources screen. Corresponding rightsizing recommendations for any identified instances will be displayed in the Rightsizing tab. The tab includes a recommended size for migration (e.g., “Migrate to m5.large”), a list of associated reasons (e.g., “CPU over-provisioned”), if available, and the potential monthly savings. Click Compare Pricing to explore an instance pricing comparison via This pricing comparison evaluates the current instance type used against the proposed instance type from the recommendation.

An EC2 rightsizing recommendation in the console

An EC2 rightsizing recommendation in the console

This feature is now available to all customers with an AWS connection. To get started, navigate to the Cost Recommendations page in the console. For more information, see the Cost Recommendations product documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is being launched today?

Today, Vantage is launching Amazon EC2 rightsizing recommendations. If you have AWS as a connected provider, you can see these recommendations on the Cost Recommendations page.

2. Who is the customer?

Any Vantage user who has connected AWS as a provider.

3. How much does this feature cost?

There is no additional cost to see these recommendations; however, if you are on a free trial, the specifics of the recommendations will be obscured.

4. What information will be displayed in rightsizing recommendations?

On the Cost Recommendations screen, rightsizing recommendations will include the number of instances identified and a potential monthly savings (e.g., $1000). On the Rightsizing tab in Active Resources, a recommended size for migration (e.g., “Migrate to m5.large”), a list of associated reasons (if available), and the potential monthly savings are provided.

5. Can I ignore a specific recommendation?

If you want to hide a recommendation, click the Archive icon. The recommendation will be added to your archived recommendation list.

6. Will I be notified when recommendations are surfaced?

We do not currently send notifications when new recommendations are surfaced.